September 27, 2014 for a meeting of the National Council of Metropolitan
Church in Warsaw, invited the representative of the Order of Saint
Stanislaus. Ba meeting was attended by bishops from: From Germany, the Czech
Republic, Latvia, Russia, Slovakia and Polish Conference led by Archbishop
Augustin Bačinský. Ks. Kan. Thomas Fish Director of the Center
Revitalization, Rehabilitation and Geriatrics in Warsaw asked us to support
and patronage for the actions Samaritan House.
Following discussions Archbishop consented to be built in Berlin, the
Commander KOŚSBM led by Fr. can. Arthur strainer and Latvia led by Fr. can.
Pavel Levushkan. Both Commanderies will belong to the Confraternity of the
The participants were informed about the charity KOSS BM in Poland.
Ks. CAN Artur Sitko received Congratulatory letter handed in on behalf of
the Grand Master and the Grand Chapter in connection with the appointment of
Monsignor functions.